The Canal Paintings of DC 'Dusty' Miller published by Canal Book Shop. 

"Dusty Miller is one of the most popular canal artists, specialising in oil paintings of evocative canal scenes - often with a working motor boat, and sometimes a motor and butty.  Some would say that his portrayal of working boats is the best of any canal artist.

This superb book contains a wide selection of more than 60 of Dusty’s canal paintings.  Each is accompanied by notes and anecdotes about the scene, nearly always with a photo taken in the past - usually the one on which the painting was based."

Softback  £18.95

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Towpath Tips

By Dusty Miller

Order here.

Ramlin Rose: The Boatwoman's Story 

by Sheila Stewart

(book jacket artwork and all inside illustrations)

Published by Canal bookshop. Copies can be found on line.

CD - The Unknown Boatman

Canal Songs from the DPN+1 Songbook.  Many of the songs written by Dusty Miller and his old mate Dave Illingworth.  £10 including P&P

Order here.

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